"The Personal 4D Prediction Set that You get from Kumantong for me is it 1 Set and only 1? Even if it never open Top 3 prize will it still open on consolation and starter?"
If Your personally requested 4D Prediction Set by Kumantong hit a Prize, 90% chance it will be on one of the TOP 3 Prizes.
Kumantong Lottery Prediction always come out on TOP 3 Prizes. Very rare case will it hit on Starter or Consolation Prize. But if it ever come out on starter or consolation prize, the hint given by Kumantong is to continue to buy , within that 1 month. It is Kumantong's way of telling You that the same 4D Set may come out on one of the TOP 3 Prizes, within that month.
Reference: http://kumantong-4d-power.blogspot.com