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How Client Cham was able to Win (Singapore Pools) 4D 18 times - A Case Study to learn so You can Strike 4D For Yourself

Client Cham is an owner of a Kumantong from Kumantang 4D Master and  Gods Of Wealth Of All Direction Talisman

Recently (25 July 2021) , she just Strike 4D again - Direct 2nd Prize - Win SGD$2000. In total, she has Strike 18 times Singapore Pools 4D (Since 2015 to now - 2021), mostly on Direct TOP 3 Prizes.

The reason why pick her as an example for a "Case Study", because she is someone who applied the "Same Method" taught to her and go on to Keep-On Winning 4D on TOP 3 Prizes non-stop.
A Testimonial from Client Cham:"I was facing deep financial problem during the period of 2013.

Like most people, when life is smooth, they will shunt away  from anything spiritual and consider them as bullshit.  I used to be like that too. Due to my desperate situation, I end up seeking spiritual intervention to clear my money problem.

I  was searching online with the search terms like,  'How To Strike Lottery  with black magic', 'How to ask ghosts for 4D numbers' etc. I was very lucky to land on Kumantong 4D Master's Blogs / Websites.

After reading the articles about folks getting blessed by his Kumantongs for letting them Strike The Lottery, I decided to follow the same method by just sincerely praying on his Kumantongs' Picture to seek own private personal 4D numbers, because I can't afford the fee for Kumantong 4D Prediction at that time.

On the very 1st try, I managed to strike 4D Starter on 1st June 2013 - Saturday. Immediately, I sent over my Token Of Appreciation as Ang Bao to Kumantong 4D Master and offerings to his Kumantongs.

From then on, I always pray to his Kumantongs before I seek 4D Numbers or buy my own personal 4D Numbers. Since then, I have been striking 4D Direct Prizes (TOP 3 Prizes & Starters) very often and continue to send Ang Baos to Kumantong 4D Master and offerings to his Kumantongs.

By the way, I have used some of my winnings to buy the powerful talismans done by Kumantong 4D Master, a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master.

Now, my financial problems have been cleared and I continue looking forward to more 4D winnings.

All Thanks to Kumantong 4D Master and his Kumantongs

Points To Take Note from her experience:

Just like majority of the ordinary folks, Client Cham started off  as a non-believer in anything spiritual and supernatural.  

Note: Many  ordinary folks in their whole life are not fated to be blessed by the divine beings, just because they never believe "such things" exist. Typical Example from their mouthes is:"If everybody can Strike 4D, then nobody need to work already".

It was only when she was facing Financial Problems and no Humans were willing to help her, then that was the time  she was fated to come across my Blogs and learn about Seeking Help from Deities and Ghosts.

Note: Through fate, she found a Genuine 4D Master (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) who taught her the same method (like what I do) to seek 4D numbers from Ghosts or Deities. 

*Many folks were conned by the FAKE 4D MASTERS (who show off their 'Fake 4D'  (Photoshopped) Winning Tickets) to lure You into thinking that they indeed are the "REAL 4D GURUS" and then they charge You High Fees without giving You any Numbers and disappeared.*

During that time, She couldn't afford to pay me to do ritual to seek 4D from my Kumantongs . She was told to pray to the Picture of the 3 Kumantongs by herself and buy her personal numbers. In deed,  Kumantongs able to hear her cry and immediately blessed  her to Win 4D several times.  

Note: Yes, the 3 Kumantongs can hear You from far away, by You praying to the Picture of the 3 Kumantongs, shown on the Blogs. 

She always remember to send Kumantongs Offerings and Token Of Appreciation whenever she wins the Lottery. 

One of her Biggest "Token Of Appredication" (ANG BAO) - SGD$1388

Note: This is very important. - In Chinese, it is called "饮水思源" - When You drink water, remember where the source com from - Meaning: Remember to show Gratitude. By doing "Thank You" Prayer Offerings to the Kumantongs / Ghosts and Deities, they will be happy to continue to bless You to Win The Lottery again and again.

Once she had enough money, she quickly ordered a Kumantong and then followed by a Gods Of Wealth (Of All Direction) Talisman.

Since then, she would pray to her Spiritual Items before buying her 4D Numbers. Client Cham has been Striking 4D Direct TOP 3 Prizes and will continue to Strike Direct TOP 3 Prizes into the future. 

Client Cham had since long ago cleared her Financial Problems and moving on to Financial Freedom, through Winning 4D Lottery. 

What You learn from here: Gods and Ghosts are always ready to help You Win The Lottery. Only individuals ownselves shunt away from them and never get the chance to be blessed by them. Once You believe in them and apply "the same proper method" to Seek Help, they will bless You to WIN DIRECT 4D TOP 3 PRIZE. By showing Your Gratitude in the form of Prayer Offering to Thank Them, they are more than happy to continuously bless You with Lottery Strike.. Non-Stop.

The lists of Previous (Singapore Pools) 4D Winnings by Client Cham:

*To learn how to Strike 4D By Yourself with the Help Of Kumantongs , go here: Kumantong 4D Master

*To Learn more about Kumantongs, go here: Kumantong 4 You

*To Learn more about Gods Of Wealth Talisman, go here: "Gods Of Wealth Of All Direction" Talisman

*To ask for Kumantong 4D Prediction Number (Take Note: There is a Fee Charge), or to order a Kumantong or Talisman, Kindly email me (Kumantong 4D Master - a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master):



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