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The Detailed Explanation of the 7 Talismans in 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman

(This same article is available at 'Taoist Sorcery Master' Blog)

After they have been Winning 4D big time and personally experienced the effect of the Talismans done for them,  the Taoist Sorcery / Kumantong 4D Clients and Followers have been encouraging me (Taoist Sorcery Master a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master) to come up with a very powerful talisman to focus on Striking TOTO (Lotto / Bingo / Power Ball / Mega Millions etc) Numbers. 

It took me more than 9 months to brain-storm and plan out  which deities / gods and ghosts to call upon, in order to create a super-duper spiritually powerful talisman to help us Strike Toto (Lotto / Bingo / Powerball / Mega Millions) like crazy. Now,  it has finally come into existence.  Not only it is used for Winning Toto, it is also can be used to seek 4D Numbers and improve gambling luck.

IMPORTANT: The unique combinations and usage of the Chinese Characters in the Talismans  found in 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman  are planned, designed, created and spiritually empowered by me (Taoist Sorcery Master a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master), not found in anywhere else. If You find the exact copy from other "Masters", they are just copy-cats - who simply photo-copy and try to sell You the fake ones on Papers. All the talismans by me and from me, are planned, designed, created by hand-drawn, and go through proper spiritual empowering rituals with secret chants, hand-seals and Taoist Stamp Seals.

Take Note: Part 1 of the article explains the several ways of using 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman. This is the Part 2 - The Detailed Explanation of the 7 Talismans in 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman. 

Talisman 1 -  This is the Main Core of the Talisman. It calls upon '8-Roads' Gods Of Wealth (八路财神), in order to invite 8 Heavenly Horse Generals (马将军)  to come over for support, so as to help You pick the High Potential Toto (Lotto / Bingo / Powerball / Mega Millions etc) Winning Numbers and also 4D Winning Numbers, on every Lottery Draw days. 

Related Blog / Website: The Chinese Gods Of Wealth 

Talisman 2 - This talisman calls upon Jade Emperor, in order to inform the Local Earth God (in Your area) to come over for support, so as to shower You with "Left-Path" Wealth and Tip-Top Gambling Luck. With the invitation from higher authority, the Earth God will obediently obey to provide support. "Left-Path" Wealth means fast and huge returns, without hard-work. In Chinese Folk Religion, since ancient time, Chinese pray to Earth Gods, because they provide "Food" grown from the earth and in modern days, Chinese Bosses pray to them for wealth.

Talisman 3 - This talisman calls upon Han-Xin Gong (The God of Gambling / Gambler), in order to help invite other Gambling Gods, Gambling Immortals and Gambling Ghosts to come for support, to help You WIN ALL - regardless BIG or SMALL. In Chinese Folk Religion, especially in Taiwan,  Han-Xin Ye  (or Han-Xin Gong) is the Real God of Gambling / Gambler.  

Extra Info:  Er-Ge Feng (二哥丰) Is NOT God Of Gambler (赌神)? Pray Or Not To Pray?

Talisman 4 - This talisman is focused on Seeking & Winning 1st PRIZE in Lottery, be it 4D or TOTO. It is also a stand alone talisman, which can be used to seek 4D 1st Prize Numbers. -  Win Lottery (Strike 1st Prize) Talisman .  Over here, it is a supporting Talisman to super boost the overall effect of the whole Talisman.

Talisman 5 - Multiple Ghost Eyes from the Wandering Ghosts that happen to pass-by at Your vicinity to help You "look into the future" for the upcoming Winning Numbers, or Gambling Cards, in order to help You Win.

Talisman 6 - The Eyes from "5 Ghosts" (Of Taoist Sorcery) to help You "look into the future" for the upcoming Winning Numbers, or Gambling Cards , in order to help You Win.

Talisman 7 - This talisman is spiritual gambling secret code for the Gambling Gods to help shower You with Gambling Luck.

Take note: Talisman 5, 6 & 7 can be used individually for gambling luck, or can be combined into 3 in 1 Gambling  Talisman - Ultimate Gambler (3 in 1) Talisman . Over here, they are supporting Talismans to super boost the overall effect of the whole Talisman.

Video of Using 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman 


Important Points to take note: 

The main focus of 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman  is on Winning TOTO (Lotto / Bingo / Power Ball / Mega Millions etc) Numbers and also for seeking 4D Numbers and improve Gambling Luck in Casinos or other gambling purposes. 

This talisman IS NOT used for multi-purpose conventional wealth bringing purpose - Jobs, Careers, Sales and Business.You have other Wealth Bringing Talismans for such purposes, such as: 



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