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The very basic understanding of "Thai Buddhism",Yant Designs & Sak-Yant

The so-called "Thai Buddhism" is actually a mixture of Buddhism, Brahmanism and Animism.

There are Youngsters, especially the Singapore & Malaysian Kids, thought that Buddhism originates from Thailand, and "playing" with Barangs (meaning spiritual items) is what Buddhism is all about. The worst part is they don't even have the most basic understanding of the Teaching of Buddha and The History Of Buddha. Just because they like to buy and keep "Thai Buddhist" Spiritual Items, they called themselves a Buddhist.

There is nothing wrong in keeping  Spiritual Items and in fact, "Thai Buddhist" Spiritual Items are magically very powerful, such as even able to help You to strike the lottery (If You Know How), but folks should seek out the truth and facts on the path they are walking on.

The History Of Body Tattooing In South East Asia

The Art Of Body Tattooing was found among the Tai Tribe Culture of Southwestern China and Northwestern Vietnam at least 2,000 years ago. Over the centuries, the Art Of Body Tatooing spread to what is now Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and parts of Myanmar.

The History Of  Yantra Tattooing

Yantra Tattooing is the tattooing of Holy Verses on the body, known as Sak Yant. The types of Sak Yant You popularly seen in Thailand, originated in Cambodia since the Khmer empire.

Khom - Ancient Khmer Script

Khom, the ancient Khmer script writing, is used  in making / creating / drawing of Yant Designs and Sak-Yant. The script spells out abbreviated syllables of Pali Incantations. It is not used in writing everyday matters. It can only be used in sacred writings.

Many people mistook that Yantra Symbols written on amulets (Takruts), clothes and on the human bodies are Thai Language, which is not. It is Khom.

Take Note: In northern Thailand, Yantra tattoos use Shan, Northern Thai or Tai Lu scripts, and in Laos the Lao Tham script is employed.

Sak Yant is almost lost in Cambodia -  The country which  it is originated

In this present day, little is known about Sak Yant in Cambodia , the country where  it originated. Partly because of a 1920 royal ordinance that forbade monks from tattooing and partly because the remaining practitioners were killed during the Khmer Rouge genocide and civil war.

Today, traditional Cambodian Sak Yant is especially difficult to find because those who are still practising the art form are reluctant to publicise their activities.  Sak Yant becomes very popular in Thailand instead.

"Thai Buddhist" Yantra Designs from the Ramakien

Many Yant designs and God forms found in "Thai Buddhist" Yantra are taken from the Ramakien. The Ramakien, is the Thai version of the Indian Hindu epic “Ramayana”. The Devas and Mythological Himapant animals seen tattooed as yant, are characters from this legend.

Spiritually Empowering The Yants and Sak Yants  With Mantra

A  spiritual  master needs to learn Khom Script, which is only permitted to be used for sacred or magical texts.

To spiritually empower the spiritual items, Secret Mantra (Secret Magical Chanting Verses) needs to be recited during the  drawing / creating process of Yant Designs on cloth, papers, copper or any materials to be made into takruts (amulets) or talisman, and during Sak Yant (Tattooing of Holy Verses on the body).

It is the combination of the master’s magical power, the Yant Design, and the Mantra that make the Yant and Sak Yant tattoos efficacious, and thus, magical.

Understanding the most basic and common Magical Symbols used in Yant Designs and Sak Yant

Below are the most basic and commonly found symbols used in Yant Designs on Thai Amulets / Talismans and Sak-Yant Tattoos popularly seen in Thailand, and publicly seen or sold (rent).


Unalome - Represents reaching enlightenment. The path starts in the center of the spiral, and as you continue down this path you are wandering, becoming more conscious of your surroundings. When you reach the top of the symbol (the straight line), you have reached enlightenment.

Ongk Phra

Ongk Phra - Represents The Buddha

The Sun & The Moon Symbol

Sun Symbol(The Circle) - Represents the Sun lighting our way in the daytime; and that all Humans and Living beings exist under the influences of the stars and Planets, and that these forces enable us to develop and brings Changes. The Moon Symbol (Half Crescent) - Represents the Moon Illuminating the way for us in the Dark Hours.

NA MO PUT TA YA (Namo Buddhaya)

This sentence means "I go for refuge to the Buddha"


Ma means "Moo Mahaa Sangkoe" (The Sangha, or company of Monks)
A means "Arahang" (The Buddha himself)
U means "Utamatammoe" (The Dharma, or teachings of the Buddha)

So the meaning of this Kata (Mantra/Prayer) is "The triple jewel of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha". If seen from the Brahman viewpoint instead of Buddhist, then the three sounds represent the A U and M of the primordial sound “Aum” (Om), as well as the triple Deity of Shiva Vishnu and Brahma, body, speech and mind.

To be a Master Creator of  Spiritually Empowered, Powerful Yants (Amulets / Talismans etc)

You need to learn:
1) Khom (Ancient Khmer Language Script)
2) The Yant Designs
3) The Secret Mantra Used With The Specific Yant Designs
4) Cultivate Personal Magical Power 



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