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Why as a Taoist Sorcerer, You keep Kumantongs?

In Taoist Sorcery, there are many types of Ghost Keeping Methods.

2 Examples of Taoist Ghost Keeping Methods:
The Ghost Kids of Taoist / Chinese Sorcery is known as Gui-Kia (鬼仔).

The 2 popular types of Gui-Kia (鬼仔) that are created by a Taoist Sorcerer is often created in the form of
1) Wooden figurine, placed inside a Miniature Coffin
2) Finger bone of a dead child, placed inside a Miniature Coffin

When a Taoist Sorcerer wants or needs a Ghost Kid as a spirit servant (spirit helper), he will has to spend many hours or days to carve and prepare a wooden block into a shape of a child. For convenience sake, some Taoist Sorcerers use plastic dolls as substitute.

After a child figurine is ready to house the child spirit, Taoist Sorcerer proceeds to the graveyard, do a ritual to collect the soul of a dead child and bring back to his Taoist Sorcery Altar to continue with spiritual cleansing, taming and "listening to master" rituals, which take between 49 days to 108 days to completely transform a wild wandering ghost kid into a Taoist Gui-Kia.

After spending many weeks of transforming a wild wandering ghost kid, into an obedient Gui-Kia (鬼仔) to listen to command, the Taoist Sorcerer will then continue to spend many more weeks and months to train the Gui-Kia (鬼仔) to perform more advanced tasks, such as checking out people, disturb enemies or Provide Winning Lottery (4D / Pick 4) Numbers etc.

Videos of creating Mao Shan Gui-Kia (茅山鬼仔) - Ghost Of Lightning Strike (雷击鬼)

In Taoist Sorcery, there is no mass creating / producing of Gui-Kia (鬼仔)

In Taoist Sorcery, there is no mass creating / producing of Gui-Kia (鬼仔) for the public to keep. You cannot simple go to a Chinese Temple or Chinese Prayer Shop to buy a "Ghost Kid" off the shelf.

In big land countries like Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, most Chinese Sorcerers are able to create the authentic Chinese Gui-Kia (鬼仔). These Chinese Sorcerers have close network with the graveyard helpers. Anytime when there is a child who died in a way that is suitable to create powerful Gui-Kia (鬼仔), the graveyard helper will inform the Taoist Sorcerer to come and perform ritual to collect the soul of the dead child.

In the early days (before 60s) of Singapore, there are many cemeteries. Dead bodies were put in coffins and buried in graveyards. Those days, the Taoist Sorcerers in Singapore were able to create the authentic Taoist Ghost Kid - Gui-Kia (鬼仔).

However, right now ( 90s onwards), there is no more burial grounds for dead bodies. All dead bodies in Singapore are burnt into ashes and placed inside the urns and stuffed inside a Temple. There is no way for a Taoist Sorcerer in Singapore to collect the soul of a dead child in a graveyard, because all the graveyards are gone. The Taoist Sorcerer also cannot simply enter a urns-keeping Temple to perform a ritual to collect the souls of the dead, or else, the temple-keeper will call the police that there is someone behaving suspiciously inside the temple. The worst case is to enter Malay Cemetery to collect the soul of a Dead Malay Child, because only Malays are the only race in Singapore that provide burial method for dead bodies.. but it is never a good idea to do that because this is Chinese Sorcery and is not a right thing to interfere other race, religion, culture or enter their premises .

If there are no Gui-Kia (鬼仔), there are Kumantongs!

Thai Monks and Spiritual Masters (Arjhans) in Thailand are doing a good job in mass creating Kumantongs. They attract and welcome the wandering child spirits from the wild and nature to enter the Figurines and Statues and go through spiritual cleansing rituals to transform them into Kumantongs.

Video of Thai Masters (Arjhans) mass inviting Child Ghosts to become Kumantongs

Basically, anyone can pay money to own (or rent) Kumantongs from the Thai Temples or Thai Amulets Shops. The difference is that a layman doesn't know whether a Kumantong statue he bought is genuine or fake, whereas a Taoist Sorcerer or any spiritual master is able to sense and pick a genuine, powerful Kumantong for himself.

By choosing and receiving powerful, genuine Kumantongs directly from his own personal network of low profile but spiritually powerful Thai Monks / Masters, a Taoist Sorcerer can focus his time and energy on training his Kumantongs to perform amazing tasks, such as checking out people who are far away, transforming salted dried fishes / tortoises into living ones temporarily, turn sands into bees to stink people etc, and most important of all, providing Highly Accurate Winning Lottery Numbers.

Whether the person is a Taoist Sorcerer , a Malay Bomoh , an Indonesian Pawang, or a Thai Monk / Master, he is able to communicate, command and control any types of ghost kids..
1) Gui-Kia - Chinese Ghost Kid
2) Toyol - Malay Ghost Kid
3) Kumantongs - Thailand Ghost Kids
4) Log-Kok - Baby Corpse
and many more...

Always Miss 1 number on TOP 3 Prize and You call that Accurate?

Many people laugh at Kumantong 4D Power due to often miss by 1 number on TOP 3 Prize.

"Miss by 1 number, You call that accurate?"
"Miss by 1 number also cannot win money"

The methods of Winning 4D shown here are applicable to 4D Numbers given by:

1) Kumantong 4D Power
2) Gods Of Wealth Talisman
3) Strike Lottery (1st Prize) Talisman
4) Kumantongs Bought from Kumantong 4D Master

What the outsiders don't know?

What they don't know is "Miss By 1 Number" on a TOP 3 Prize is the secret hint given by Kumantongs to guide us how to Win 4D TOP 3 Prize  on the next coming 4D Draw. "Miss by 1 number" is 1 step closer to win the TOP 3 Prize.

If there is no "Miss by 1 number" in TOP 3 Prize, then You need to worry because:

1) You don't know whether the Kumantong is there
2) You don't know whether Kumantong wants to help You strike 4D
3) You don't know whether the 4D Numbers given by Kumantong are going to come out

"Miss by 1 number" on a TOP 3 Prize  is a way that Kumantong tells You:

1) I am around, please be alert. You are going to Strike 4D - on TOP 3 Prize
2) I am telling You what numbers to buy at which 4D Company to Strike TOP 3 Prize

The Hints given by Kumantong is very straightforward

1) Previous Prediction miss by 1 number on Top 3 Prize of Today's 4D Draw?
The Hint: Use Today's Prediction to buy on the next coming 4D Draw to win the TOP 3 Prize.

2) Today's Prediction miss by 1 number on Top 3 Prize of Today's 4D Draw?
The Hint:  The Prediction for next coming 4D Draw will hit the TOP 3 Prize of that day.

What if miss by 1 number again on TOP 3 Prize?

Follow the hint: Repeat the same process.  Either buy the previous number or focus on the new prediction for the next coming 4D Draw.

"What if  4 numbers are correct in TOP 3 Prize already?"

It is no more a hint. It is to collect money from the 4D Betting Company.

"Why always hit on TOP 3 Prize?"

The beauty of Kumantong 4D Prediction is 90% of the time, when You strike the 4D Numbers given by a Kumantong , it will be on a TOP 3 Prize.

When 4D numbers given by Kumantong landed on the Starter Prize or Consolation Prize..

If 4D Numbers given by Kumantong is landed on a Starter Prize or Consolation Prize, it is an appetizer Strike plus is also a hint that it is going to come out on TOP 3 Prize on the next coming draw. Buy the same numbers again on the next 4D Draw.

Tell Me ...
What type of 4D Prediction method provides a deity or ghost to be always there to inform You how to strike 4D  to win the TOP 3 Prize  again and again one draw after another?  Only Kumantongs 4D Prediction method can do that.

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How To Bet & Win Kumantong 4D Prediction Numbers?

Kumantong 4D Prediction Method is the easiest and simplest way to Strike 4D. Kumantongs even guide You how to bet on the 4D Numbers given by them and every time when You strike 4D with the numbers given by them, it will always be on TOP 3 Prize.

After following 4D Numbers given by Kumantong 4D Power for awhile, everyone, even kids, can see through the winning patterns and the hints given by Kumantongs.

The methods of Winning 4D shown here are applicable to 4D Numbers given by:

1) Kumantong 4D Power
2) Gods Of Wealth Talisman
3) Strike Lottery (1st Prize) Talisman
4) Kumantongs Bought from Kumantong 4D Master

Let's get started on How to Win 4D With Kumantong 4D Power..

What You must know?

On every 4D Draws - Wednesday / Saturday /Sunday , there is at least 80% chance You will Strike 4D and is always hitting on TOP 3 Prize. The goal of Kumantong 4D Power is to  reach 100% strike on every 4D Draws. You must strongly believe that on every 4D Draw Days You are going to Strike 4D and it will always come out on TOP 3 PRIZE.

The game is to pump the least amount of money to receive the maximum return..

How to bet if 4 digits given are different numbers, ABCD - 1234

Always pump To & Fro DIRECT, ABCD - 1234 and DCBA - 4321 because 4D numbers given by Kumantongs may and will come out Direct or Direct Opposite Pattern. You may then cover backside with Ibet System, just in case the 4D numbers given strike permutation pattern.

Buying Full System at $1 will cost You $24. Not many folks can afford to pump so much money on every 4D Draw Days.  If You have money to throw, then be brave to pump $1 Full System SMALL - Total $24.

How to bet if 2 digits are the same, Example: AABC - 1123 ?

Whenever You see double same digits, it is a signal informing You that the 4D Numbers given is 90% confirm come out. The reason is because usually Kumantongs want You to pump the least amount of money and let You win the maximum return.

Always Pump TO & FRO DIRECT, AABC - 1123 and CBAA - 3211 , because 4D Numbers given by Kumantongs may and will come out Direct TOP 3 or Direct Opposite TOP 3. After that, You may pump $1 Full System SMALL - Total $12  to cover backside, just in case the 4D numbers given strike permutation pattern TOP 3. $1 Full System for AABC is only $12  and is still affordable to most people.

If You really cannot afford to pump Full System, then You may cover backside with IBET System.

How to bet if 3 digits are the same, Example: AAAB - 1112 ?

Always Pump TO & FRO DIRECT, DIRECT TO & FRO, AAAB - 1112 and BAAA - 2111, because 4D Numbers given by Kumantongs may and will come out Direct TOP 3 or Direct Opposite TOP 3. You may add on at least $1 Full System - Total $4. No need Ibet.

How to bet if 4 digits numbers are the same, Example: AAAA - 1111 ?

If given such pattern, just pump Direct.

What does it mean when 4D Numbers given is missed by 1 number on a TOP 3 Prize from the result?

It is a hint given by Kumantong showing You how to bet on the next coming 4D Draw. Be very alert and follow the hint given exactly and You will confirm strike 4D on next 4D Draw.

What to do if 4D Numbers given by Kumantong only hit Direct / Ibet Starter or Consolation?

It is just an appetizer winning and is also a hint that the same 4D Numbers might come out on TOP 3 Prize on the next coming 4D Draw, so use the same 4D Numbers to buy on the next coming 4D Draw.

Summing Up:
  • Kumantong 4D Prediction if strike, always come out on TOP 3 Prize
  • You can just buy SMALL, and forgo the BIG, to win maximum return
  • Always buy Direct & Direct Opposite Pattern 1st and then cover with Full System
  • If no money / can't afford to pump Full System, then buy Ibet System
  • If 4D Numbers given have 2 same digits, it is a signal telling You that it will confirm come out
  • If 4D Numbers given hit Direct / Ibet Starter or Consolation, it is a hint that the same numbers might come out as TOP 3 Prize on the next coming 4D Draw
  • If 4D Numbers given is missed by 1 number on TOP 3 Prize, it is a hint that You will strike 4D on the next 4D Draw and You are to follow the hint given closely
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Even Kids can see through the Hints given by Kumantongs to let You Strike 4D

Kumantongs are playful. They know the exact upcoming 4D Numbers of the TOP 3 Prizes. They want to make life a bit more fun by creating a puzzle out of the 4D Numbers given,with hints provided as well. The puzzle is so simple that even small kids can see through the pattern. Kumantongs want to play game with You but they ultimately want YOU TO STRIKE 4D.

For example:

On 9th April 2014 -Wednesday, Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 0293 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction.
On 12 April 2014 - Saturday , Singapore Pools 4D came out 3290 - 2nd Prize.

Can You see the super straight forward hint given by Oil Bottle Kumantong now?

It means use the 4D numbers given and buy it for the next upcoming draw!

See what happened...

Indeed, Singapore Pools 4D Prediction by Oil Bottle Kumantong came out 2nd Prize again on the next draw. Not only that, Both Hands Raising Kumantong also played the same game and Sports Toto 4D Prediction came out 2nd Prize on the next  draw.

On 13th April 2014 - Sunday, Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 0386 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction.
On 16th April 2014 - Wednesday, Singapore Pools 4D come out 3086 - 2nd Prize.

On 13th April 2014 - Sunday, Both Hands Raising Kumantong gave 3103 for Sports Toto 4D Prediction.
On 16th April 2014 - Wednesday, Sports Toto 4D Prediction come out  3310 - 2nd Prize.

Once in a while, Kumantongs will change the pattern of the game and provide new super straight forward hint for You to Strike 4D. 

Now, who dare to say Lottery Numbers can never be predicted?  Deities and Ghosts are more than willing to help You Strike the Lottery and let You achieve Your dreams and goals , as long as You know how to seek their help and pray to them.

Kumantongs can help You Win in any kind of Lottery, be it 4D , Pick 3 Lottery, Pick 4 Lottery , Bingo , Lotto .  Kumantong 4D Prediction Method is so dead simple.

Now the questions are:
  • Do You know where to buy, keep and Pray to a Powerful Genuine Kumantong?
  • Does Your Kumantong able to provide You Winning Lottery Numbers?
  • Is Your Kumantong trained in Lottery Prediction?
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